Everything can be improved.
Quality is everyone's responsibility.
Improvement has no limits.
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric.
Before part or unit assembly, an engineer inspects the accuracy using precision instruments to ensure quality. The test report is recorded and kept for later review. To ensure the excellent quality and reliability of every part and the 100% customer’s satisfaction, “ZERO FAULT” is the goal to our quality assurance system.

Above all, quality means setting the highest standards for ourselves. We are continuously establishing new benchmarks for our products, processes and services. Our quality management system encompasses all current industry standard methods, including machine and process capability analysis, etc.

Advanced Technological production plant
Well-Planned Marketing Strategy
Fast Delivered Equipment and Inventory Parts
Strong Technical Service Support
Sound Financial Background
Above all, quality means setting the highest standards for ourselves. Ascent is registered to ISO 9001-2008.
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